Mounts: A New Way to Explore

Mounts are far more than a speed boost—they’re a whole new way to explore the world of Tyria. Unlock and train your new companions using the max-level Mastery character progression system, and explore freely by leaping across canyons, bounding up high cliffs, and skimming over quicksand.

The Raptor

Raptors are hardy and swift, and surprisingly easy to train due to their intelligence. They can cross great distances in a single leap, making them the favored mount of many of the desert’s denizens. Travelers are advised not to leave the city of Amnoon without obtaining a raptor companion.

The Skimmer

Skimmers are graceful creatures native to the Elon River. They live above water, breathing through large air sacs as they float above the surface. While they cannot truly fly, they can hover for short distances at a height of several norn, making them indispensable for crossing large areas of treacherous quicksand or sulfur.

The Springer

Their long ears and wiggly noses are charming, but the springer’s greatest strength is their ability to make jaw-dropping vertical leaps. Traveling merchants and couriers use them to cross sheer cliffs in the Crystal Highlands, shaving weeks off their journeys.

The Jackal

Jackals are elusive, magical creatures formed of shifting sands and given shape by magical runes. They can dissipate into sand to teleport short distances and dash through sand portals. The djinn of the Desolation create and tame them; prove yourself a worthy trainer, and you may befriend one.

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